FGuBox Limited was created in 2019 by Francois Phothirath and Guillaume Bertrand. Our Friends were looking for Real Time Instagram Counter which can display the live instagram followers count. We decided to solve this problem by creating a amazing fgubox that saves time. It can display the instagram count followers, youtube subscriber count, facebook or twitter as well. We have added new features including time date, weather and display message option. There are two versions of FGuBox : junior for social media fans and pro for businesses. You can back us about our Real Time Social Media Counter.
We hope to open different offices in Shenzen, Paris, New York & of course our home country, the United Kingdom, looking to develop our product worldwide.
We are gadget lovers, social media fans and obsessed with the different creative possibilities made available with FGuBox Live Instragram Counter, Twitter Counter, Youtube Counter, Facebook Counter and Crypto Counter. We all share the hunger and love of tech.